Monday, October 11, 2010

Monster Thick Burger

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This ad for the Carl’s Jr. Monster Thick burger attempts to entice a primarily male audience with an attractive looking blonde girl. The ad immediately draws your attention to the girl. She smiles at the camera for a while before the commentator even begins to speak, drawing in the hungry male consumer. She then puts her entire fist in her mouth as the commentator begins to lay out the challenge of, "whether you can eat the thickest burger available" this draws an obvious allusion to the girl being able to fit a rather large penis in her mouth, something that the average male would find very enticing and arousing. They still make no mention of the actual product until the very end of the advertisement. The ad sells the viewer on the idea of the girl being able to do this to them, getting the viewer to immediately start agreeing with the ad before they even introduce the product. Another thing I noticed is that the girl is only moderately attractive, this perpetuates the idea that one could probably get this girl to sleep with him and preform this act on a part of his body. This accessibility draws in a wider range of consumers and makes the ad seem like less of a fantasy and more of a reality. Also, at the end of the ad the burger flops down and makes a sort of squirting noise. This subliminally ties in with the illusion of the girl preforming sexual acts and the satisfaction one receives at the end. That same satisfaction is then substituted with the Double Thick two-thirds pound Angus Burger. I believe this ad is very effective in reaching the market for which it is intended (young males who would are capable of eating such a large burger). I think that this ad makes no attempts to market to women, because not many women would order such a large burger.

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